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So you can step up, stand out, and connect with your audience no matter how crowded the market is.
Here's what waits for you inside the Copywriting with Personality Care Package (aka the Sisterhood of the Personality Pants)...
REVEALED: The 4 personality types found in entrepreneurship (which one YOUR brand shows up as will greatly influence how you write copy and if that copy converts).
Develop your brand personality by uncovering the ~golden opportunity traits~ that set you + your business apart.
Write copy that makes your dream clients start questioning, “where the actual $%#^&% has she been all my life?!!”
PART O1: Which entrepreneur are you?
Once you know which sister//entrepreneur you are, you’ll be ready to dig into what exactly that means for you and your messaging with the Writing with Personality Workbook.
PART O2: Dig deeper into your brand personality inside the workbook
Lastly, check out the plug-and-play templates and prompts (specific to each of the personality types from Part #1) that’ll be hitting your inbox over the next few days, and start capturing the attention of and connecting with your perfect people!
PART 3: Use the personalized templates to connect & convert
First, watch the quick, no B.S. video training you’ll be taken to right after sign-up to determine your brand's personality type (aka your Sisterhood of the Personality Pants persona).
As a conversion copywriter for coaches and a coach myself, I’ve worked with 6, 7, and 8-figure brands to develop their signature brand voice and craft personality-pumped copy that maximizes both sales and impact.
From websites to sales pages to emails and beyond, I’m here to help you build real-ass connections and make much more money with ease by letting your copy do the hard work for you 24/7.
Write with that no-questions-asked-this-is-my-GIRL personality that gets you hired (and then re-hired).
Grab the freebie and learn. how to...