Brand Messaging Strategy For The Bold


the brand messaging makeover

You/your brand is NOT cookie cutter…
Your messaging shouldn’t be either. 

If you were a Spice Girl, you’d be an obscure 6th singer no one saw coming. (We love that about you 💕) No shade to Baby or Scary Spice, but you’ve truly got your own vibe going on. And people respect that.

In fact, that’s a HUGE part of how you’ve gotten as far as you have with your business.

But while you know the immense value you have to offer, you’re struggling to find a way to clearly articulate that in a way that captures attention. And with the online space being as crowded as it is, there’s no room for weak messaging or confusing copy. 

Messaging determines 80% of your conversion rate

But as up close and personal as we are within our businesses every day, it can become impossible to distinguish exactly what pieces work together to ACTUALLY make the most powerful message for our reader (rather than what we just think they want to hear).

So, in an attempt to master your messaging, you’ve…

Hired a copywriter…but what they wrote never really sounded like you.

Tried to DIY everything…but you don’t feel connected to what you’re writing, and it’s left you frustrated and totally lacking confidence in what you’re putting out into the world. 

Bought copywriting templates to customize…but the conversions just aren’t there (pssst—your brand messaging strategy was what’s missing!)

Become frickin’ tired of all the work you’re putting in just for your copy to miss the mark with so many of your perfect people. 

If only you had a set of guidelines based 100% off the you-ness of YOU
that clearly articulated your message in a way that converts, so you could…

Uncover & capitalize on what makes you different

Stop overthinking every word

Deeply connect with your audience on a whole new level

Consistently build trust & authority 

Sell your sh*t by embracing your whole-ass self

So you can share it in a way that *clicks* with the right people every time.

Gain confidence & clarity in your message...

nicole cienne
bliss coach

"Mack will not let you play small.

She will amplify your message & expand you into your full potential. It’s a full body transformation!"

The Brand Messaging Makeover

High-converting brand voice & messaging strategy for bold, industry leading brands.

The Brand Messaging Makeover includes the research-driven strategy and personalized guidelines that serve as you + your team’s step-by-step blueprint of exactly what to say (and how to say it) for every piece of copy & content you ever write.


let's f*ck sh*t up!

The key to becoming the top b*tch in your n*che...

What's Included

bespoke brand
messaging bible

content strategy

market research
+ competitive analysis

also includes: 90-min Brand breakthrough intensive, offboarding intensive & 3 weeks of email support as you begin to implement




01: bespoke brand messaging bible

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This bad boy is where you’ll find the full breakdown of your research-driven, conversion-optimized brand messaging strategy. 

Your BMB is how you’ll...

🔥 Standardize your messaging

🔥 Scale your content strategy

🔥 Ensure all points of contact remain targeted to your specific dream clients (regardless of who on your team may be writing it)

PRO TIP: Hand this over to any copywriters or content writers you outsource to in the future to ensure seamless onboarding and on-brand content from the get-go.

take a peek inside

02: custom content strategy

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Your content is fueled by your brand messaging strategy. So to ensure you’re able to properly implement everything outlined in your new Brand Messaging Bible across the board, you’ll also receive a custom content strategy + audit. 

Here’s the thing—we do NOT include this to complicate your content creation or confuse your processes. Instead, this research-driven content strategy is a way to simplify and streamline everything you’re put out into the world…

So each and EVERY post is as effective as possible.  

This content strategy will ensure your messaging is aligned with your customer’s journey each step of the way.

Including content audit, content pillars, specific topics, areas for improvement & research-backed content/post recommendations.

03: Market research & competitive analysis

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The entrepreneurial world is NOT Blue’s Clues, and this is no time for guessing games.

To ensure we build a brand messaging strategy that meets your perfect people exactly where they’re already at AND takes them where we want them to go, we go directly to the source.

The market research presented at the end will allow you to…

🔥Maximize ROI while giving your audience exactly what they need (these insights will greatly help you not only identify new opportunities, but will also help you optimize existing offers).

🔥 Effectively and authentically connect with your audience across all mediums by providing insight into their wants, needs, pains, limitations, and hesitations.

🔥 Gain essential perspective on competitors so you can better differentiate yourself and capitalize on the sh*t that makes you unique. 

This is the sh*t you CAN’T google.

Including one survey, 5-8 client/prospect interviews, message mining, and voice of customer research.


Our Monday workshops will last 90 mins, and the live copy review sessions will typically last about 60 mins (though you don’t need to be present for the entire session if you don’t want to be).

Outside of that, I recommend setting aside at least an hour or two each week to actually start implementing what we cover in the Monday workshops so that you’ll have some copy to get feedback on in the Friday reviews.

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5. Is this a self-study course? 

No, henny, this is much better.

This is a chance to connect and collaborate with some truly dope coaches and consultants (and potential clients) while gaining critical skills ANY business owner needs to have to communicate with their audience in a way that connects and converts.

Also, while you can catch the replays for any of the workshops, they will be LIVE first, so we can work through each facet of your messaging *together*.

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6. What date does the Mini-mind officially kick off?

Our first workshop is Monday, Feb 13 at 5 pm EST. However, as soon as you enroll, you can start getting support in the FB group!

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Our weekly workshops are every Monday at 5 pm EST. Copy review sessions will be every Friday at 1 pm EST.

You’ll get unlimited access to replays of all of them!

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8. I needed this done YESTERDAY. How quickly can you get the updated copy back to me?

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What's waiting for you inside your Brand Messaging Bible

While each Brand Messaging Bible is fully tailored to you & your team’s unique needs/goals, here are a few things you can typically expect to find inside:
  • Elevator pitch
  • Brand story, promise & mission
  • Buyer personas & how to craft messaging for each
  • Positioning & taglines per each offer
  • Key brand messages 
  • Brand personality breakdown
  • Brand voice & tone (and how to use each)
  • Branded word bank
  • Writing principles and practices to standardize
  • How to use this guide

This is NOT about whipping up a pretty lil mission statement & some generic “brand values” you’ll glance at once & then forget you ever invested in.

This is about unlocking your edge & embodying your truest essence in every facet of your business & brand...

So you can expand the conscious impact you’re already making & form more meaningful connections with your people at every touchpoint.


What to Expect From Your Brand Messaging Makeover

Gain clarity around your core message so you can (concisely) articulate your value anywhere. 

Uncover your unique edge so you can step up and stand out in a sea of competitors.

Unleash your signature brand voice & personality to attract ~dream clients only~ and repel price hagglers/those who aren’t a fit.

Uncover the key messages your audience needs to hear to consistently build trust and empower them to take aligned action.

Solidify & standardize your brand messaging practices so anyone on your team can write your sh*t on-brand and ensure a consistent experience.

Confidently know what to say and how to say it so you can fearlessly build your empire and stop overthinking.

let's f*ck sh*t up!

nicole cienne
bliss coach

“Mack crystallised my thoughts into a clear intentional message which converts.

My clients have felt the shift, read the energy in my messaging are landing in my DM’s as if by magick!”

the brand messaging makeover

Our Signature Process

phase 02

phase 03

phase 04

PHASE 01: Getting to the heart of you/your brand

To build a messaging strategy that feels authentic and natural to you, we start with all things [insert your name/brand name here].

Sure, we use this step to stalk your existing copy/content to adopt your individual vernacular and voice. And yes, we audit + analyze your existing messages to diagnose what is and isn’t working… 

But this first phase also focuses on going much deeper, digging into the nitty gritty of your vision, your values, and what makes you YOU.

Knowing where you want to go first is the only way we’ll be able to get you there. 

THE GOAL: Define who you are and how you are to unlock your edge.

phase 02

phase 03

phase 04

PHASE 02: Becoming BFFs with your perfect people

There are two sides to the conversion equation (your brand + your audience). So, next, we get to know your perfect people just as intimately. 

Since the goal is to develop a signature voice & messaging strategy that takes you from just another rando on the internet asking for cash to a trusted friend, guiding your reader towards the best decision for them

We need to FIRST get to know who that reader is.

Phase two is all about using market research to uncover what makes your perfect people *tick* and what specific simply messages *click*.

THE GOAL: Determine the in’s and out’s of your audience, their wants, and how your brand fits into their lives so we can deliver more than they could ever imagine. 

phase 02

phase 03

phase 04

PHASE 03:  Bridging the gap between you & your audience with strategy

Now that we have a rock solid grasp on where you want your brand to go AND the people that will help get you there, we’ll be able to bridge the gap between the two with strategic brand messaging.

Getting intentional AF about your brand vibe and vision, and gaining a DEEP understanding of the humans on the other side of your screen that are interacting with and buying from your brand…

Will allow us to connect the dots between the two and create a seamless customer journey with your brand messaging strategy. 

THE GOAL: Develop a strategy that appeals to your perfect people both intellectually and emotionally while also feeling natural and authentic to you.

phase 02

phase 03

phase 04

PHASE 04:  Implementation

Finally, it’s time to get you the goods and ensure you know how to use them! 🎉

In this last phase of the BMM process, we’ll not only be handing over the finalized products, but we’ll also be ensuring you understand everything inside so you can immediately start implementing. 

In addition to your offboarding intensive, where I’ll walk you through each piece of your new Brand Messaging Bible and content strategy, you’ll also get 3 weeks of additional email support in case you have any questions as you begin mastering your messaging.

THE GOAL: Put alllllll the cherries on top so you can walk away able to fearlessly articulate who you are, what you do, and why your perfect people should give a f*ck in a way that is authentic, ownable, and conversion-optimized.

The Brand Messaging Makeover is the missing link you've been looking for if...

You're launching a new brand, repositioning your existing brand, or optimizing your current brand to scale to new heights.
You're really f*cking good at what you do. And you know it. BUT, lately you’ve been struggling to find the right words to make sure your audience knows it too. 

You’ve been feeling stuck on the best way to actually articulate WHY what you do is so special and WHY investing in your offer is a no-brainer.
You're growing your team and/or starting to outsource some of your copy or content.

(As your team grows, every person, vendor, partner, etc. working with your brand should adhere to your Brand Messaging Bible to keep your messaging and content consistent.)
You're not afraid to stand out. You want to capture the attention of your perfect people with a signature brand voice and personality that speaks directly to their souls AND weeds out those who aren’t the right fit.





Find your message, develop your signature brand voice & stand out from the millions of online competitors as *the one*

The Brand Messaging Makeover

  • 90-minute Brand Breakthrough Intensive
  • Content audit + content strategy
  • Market research + competitive analysis (including audience survey and 1:1 interviews)
  • Bespoke Brand Messaging Bible (~50 pages)
  • Unlimited revisions (you won't need them)
  • Offboarding intensives
  • 3 Weeks of email support

The Brand Messaging Makeover + Website Copy



Payment plans available

this is what i need!

i need to sell my sh*t

  • 90-minute Brand Breakthrough Intensive
  • Content audit + content strategy
  • Market research + competitive analysis (including audience survey and 1:1 interviews)
  • Bespoke Brand Messaging Bible (~50 pages)
  • 2 Rounds of revisions
  • Offboarding intensives
  • 3 Weeks of email support 
  • 3-5 pages of website copy (including SEO research & strategy)

Love Notes

This is one of those things that is saving me time and allowing me to stop working earlier. 

Once you have a Brand Messaging Bible, you have a foundation to jump off of. And you can do whatever you want—you can create offers off the cuff, you can apply it to a sales page, you can apply it to your website or emails, and all of the different things that are in your business.

I think if people did this a little bit sooner, if I did this a little bit sooner, I think I would have been able to make more money and hire more of a team faster and just feel more connected to my own brand.”

“Before working with Mack, I was reinventing the wheel for every single launch. With my Brand Messaging Bible, I can literally just simplify things and work off of that one document.

We don’t have to reinvent the wheel anymore. Now, we know exactly how to talk to the person that’s looking for our solution.

I have that extra clarity so I know what I have to say to this person for them to say, ‘this is the product that I need, and I need to buy it now.’ 

It makes everything so easy, especially when you're turning the keys over to someone else. That has made a huge difference.”

“When it comes to copywriting, Mackenzie knows exactly how to get clarity on your brand voice and how to convey that in your messaging. 

She's able to meet and bridge that gap of where my audiences are and what I want to convey. 

There's also nothing more exciting than to know that someone cares SO much about what you're producing that they make it their own job—she makes it a priority to show up and to make it pizzazz and succeed. 

So what else could I say about Mackenzie except that she is phenomenal and you would be a sucker to not hire her.”

megumi fujita
embodiment coach

Naomi Genota
Creator Coach & talent Manager

Brittany Brown
Influencer Business Coach

Book a quick call to ensure we’re a match

next steps
Copywriting shouldn’t be an investment you take lightly—this is your time, money, and reputation we’re talking about. Trusting the right copywriter can make or break sales and connections.

So, we start with a quick vibe check—I mean phone call—to ensure we’ll create the kind of magic you deserve together. 

let's chat

Don’t see a time that works for you?

Shoot me an email at OR DM us over on IG @hotcopyhaus and we’ll figure something out!

“Mackenzie Fleming is literally one of the most genius copy/messaging magicians of anybody that I’ve worked with in the online space.”

“Mackenzie was able to articulate it in a way that still sounded like me but also have my clients running, saying, ‘Yes, you are definitely the coach that I need, and how can I pay you!?’”

Cait scudder
Business Coach for Women

“In a 90-minute call, Mack was able to encapsulate my personality and really get who I am and what I wanted to transmit to my people. 

She’s a genius at working her magic with words.”



“It takes me way less time to write everything for my business.

I love, love, love, my website, my personality shows way more now, and I’ve launched 3 new offers that have been making it f*cking rain.”

Kierstin Cifelli
Petite Nutrition & Fitness Coach