Words that sell your sh*t for you.

Conversion Copywriting for Coaches 



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Find *the* message that clicks with your perfect people & suddenly, growing a business whole-ass empire gets much easier.

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Let's Make Magic

“Mackenzie helped me make BANK with my words. I honestly regret not having invested in her a year ago.”

Anna Gustafson
Business & Success Coach

As a marketing & sales copywriter for coaches and service pros who aren’t afraid to are frickin’ hellbent on standing out and making a real-ass impact… 

I provide you with the words you need (either by writing them for you OR by giving you the templates and tools to write your own) to say what you mean in a way that makes you bank.

The Copywriter for Coaches

Meet Mack

Grab yourself a glass of water (or wine) if you plan to keep on ‘sploring…because sh*t is about to get spicy.

Meet the Team

Hook Me Up!

Hook Me Up!

Hook Me Up!

The Hot Copy Haus Hookups

Hot Copy
VIP Weeks

The Brand Messaging Makeover

Copy Reviews

Hook Me up

DFY conversion copywriting for coaches

Research-backed brand messaging strategy

Copy audits + optimization



Love Notes

"Wowza! I knew from previously working with Mackenzie, that she’s a true expert at her craft, but she continues to blow me away.

We’ve trusted Mack for every phase of a launch, and let me tell you—the natural humor & wit Mack is able to seamlessly weave into our copy in a way that instantly lets the reader know we *get* them WHILE remaining clear and strategic, is unlike anything I’ve seen before. 

Plus, not only is what Mack delivers packed with the perfect punch of personality (gifs and all), but it usually requires no edits.
She nails it with the first draft, saving us tons of time.

shannon matson
 founder of the social bungalow

Basically, working with Mack is a total game-changer.

If you’re looking for that upper echelon sales copy that positions your offer as *the* one, you need to work with the Hot Copy Haus."

“After I met Mackenzie, I realized that writing and copywriting is not the same thing.
One will make you bank money and the other won’t. 

After only a 90-minute breakdown call, Mack was able to write copy that encapsulates my personality and who I am and transmitted that to my people. I just can't recommend her enough. 

Don't think about it. I thought about it for too long and I honestly regret not having invested in her a year ago.

Anna-Christina Gustafson | Business coach

It’s such a sound investment and you're going to get back every penny that you invest.”

“If you’ve been sitting in the copywriting spiral wishing that someone could jump into your brain and just get it, Mackenzie is your answer—trust me, she fucking gets it! Wow did she deliver and then some!  

I had worked with previous copywriters and was worried she wouldn’t be able to nail my voice—that my authenticity wouldn’t show through. But Mack absolutely smashed it.

Nicole Cienne | Bliss Coach

My copy sounded exactly like me but soooo much better.
 Mack brought life to my true voice AND the voice I’d been afraid to use!”

I couldn’t be more grateful for her expertise and inspiration to show up as my baddie-boss-betch self. Also, she makes me literally LOL which makes the entire writing process fun and enjoyable (instead of painful and overwhelming). 

Seriously, her services/offers are THE best business investments I’ve ever made, hands fucking down."

kierstin cifelli | fitness & nutrition coach

"Mackenzie is above and beyond amazing at putting my ideas into words that ATTRACT and SELL.
She over-delivers EVERY. Damn. Time. 

“This was the first time that I had outsourced copywriting, so I was very nervous to make this investment but it was 100% worth it. Every single penny.

Lauren Taylar | Website Designer

I was just blown away. Mackenzie really knows how to capture your brand voice, really make it sound like you, and pack it with personality. 

So if you're thinking of working with Mackenzie, you should totally do it. She's amazing. She's super talented, and it's going to be a really great investment.”

“When it comes to copywriting, Mackenzie knows exactly how to get clarity on your brand voice and how to convey that in your messaging. 

Megumi fujita | embodiment coach

Mack’s able to meet and bridge that gap of where my audiences are and what I want to convey. 

And there's nothing more exciting than to know that someone cares SO much about what you're producing that they make it their own job—they make it a priority to show up and to make it pizzazz and succeed

So what else could I say about Mackenzie except that she is phenomenal and you would be a sucker to not hire her.”

She’s such a genius with all things messaging, positioning, the nitty gritty of specific types of sales copy that you need in your business. 

And honestly, there’s just nobody who sums up better and more succinctly and actionably exactly how to formulate words that sell and copy that converts.


“Mackenzie is literally one of the most genius copy/messaging magicians of anybody that I’ve worked with in the online space. 

This woman, everything that she touches turns to gold.
I highly recommend!”

"Investing in 1:1 coaching with Mack has been the best thing I’ve done for my business. After silently stalking her for a while, I reached out and immediately knew my business would never be the same again.

kait cozzens | copywriter

As a copywriter myself, I was looking to learn from THE best.
And Mack’s it.

Her wit, passion, and knowledge are unmatched. Also, she’s just so much fucking fun!

I have so much more confidence in my abilities and she has been a huge part of that. I can’t think of a reason you wouldn’t invest in her coaching."

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On the Hot Copy Blog…

 5 Pieces of Copy for a Foolproof Launch Formula

The Ultimate Guide to Write Your Coaching Website

10 Sections of a High-Converting Sales Page

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