The sh*t you want to say, the way your dream clients need to hear it.

brand messaging strategy & conversion copywriting for coaches

There are many roads that can lead you to that million dollar business.

But they’re ALL paved with 

the words you say & how you say them.

High-converting copy knocked out in one week

Hot Copy vip Week

Brand voice & messaging strategy to stand out & scale

the brand messaging makeover

Upgrade & optimize existing copy

conversion copy reviews

i need this!

hook me up

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Hot Copy Haus Solutions

Take stress out of selling with research-driven launch & funnel copy.

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Hot Copy Week

Choose from..

  • Long-form sales pages
  • Email sequences
  • Facebook/Instagram ad copy
  • Landing//opt-in pages

All packages also include:

  • Brand Breakdown Questionnaire
  • 90-minute Brand Breakthrough Intensive
  • 2 Rounds of complimentary revisions 
  • Final copy tour
  • Optional offboarding call

Perfect for you if..

  • You need copy that converts (but still sounds like you) and on a quick timeline.

  • You either have an evergreen funnel OR you’re live launching and want to ensure you’re maximizing your ROI (including time, money, and energy).

  • You want your sales page/launch emails/ads/etc. to drive sales from a place of empowerment rather than lack mindset resulting from sleazy marketing tactics. 

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Apply For a VIP Week

*We offer a very limited number of VIP Weeks every month. If you’re at all curious about working together, we highly recommend applying now so you don’t miss out on a spot.*

Apply here

“Clients convert immediately and directly from reading that [sales] page. I am so happy for the time saved and booking new clients and continuously getting to work with the right people that I know that I can serve every single day.”

Kristen Edwards
Success Coach & Inspirational Speaker

Full Website Copy + Brand Messaging Strategy

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The most reliable way for high-ticket coaches to build a whole-ass empire. 

How it works

1: Brand Voice + Messaging Strategy

We’ll start by uncovering and amplifying your signature brand voice and personality. 

(*This* is the thing that separates you from all the other gals/guys.)

2: Search Engine-Optimized Website Copy

Then, we’ll knock out your website—the forever asset that’ll allow you to be found organically by soulmate clients across the globe.

(*This* is how you’ll consistently convert (getting you sales, new leads, discovery call bookings, etc.) while you sleep.)


  • Brand Breakdown Questionnaire
  • 90-minute Brand Breakthrough Intensive
  • Research-driven & search engine-optimized website copy for 3-5 pages (additional pages can be added)
  • 2 Rounds of complimentary revisions
  • *Custom Brand Messaging Bible
  • Personalized video walkthrough of all deliverables + optional send-off call
Timeline: 4-6 weeks

Perfect for you if..

  • You’re ready to start gaining organic leads on autopilot with a search engine-optimized website.

  • You want to capture the attention of your perfect people with a signature brand voice and personality that weeds out those who aren’t the right fit.

  • You’re growing your team and/or starting to outsource some of your copy or content.

    (As your team grows, every person, vendor, partner, etc. working with your brand should adhere to your Brand Messaging Bible to keep your messaging and content consistent.)

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Investment: $10k

(Flexible payment plans available)

Start the Process

*We offer a very limited number of website packages every month. If you’re at all curious about working together, we highly recommend applying now so you don’t miss out on a spot.*

Apply here

“After working with Mackenzie, I realized that writing and copywriting are not the same thing. One will make you bank money and the other won’t. Don't think about it. I thought about it for too long and I honestly regret not having invested in Mack a year ago.”

Anna Gustafson
Business & Success Coach

*See the Brand messaging bible DETAILS

Check it out

Hot Copy Clarity Sessions

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Establish your most profitable direction & make sure all the copy that comes after converts like crazy.

How it works

Prep work

Prior to our sesh, you’ll complete the Mini-Brand Breakdown Questionnaire to prepare us both to get the absolute most out of our time together.


Aaaaaand, we’re live!

During your intensive, we’ll get to work on writing, rewriting, strategizing, auditing, or whatever it is you listed out as goals in your questionnaire. 

what we can accomplish in a Strategy Sesh

  • Revamp a sales page or email sequence to optimize it for conversions.
  • Strategize & map out your website copy so you have a clear game plan of what to write and how.
  • Create a lead magnet that gets prospects banging down your door to work with you (and plan out the nurture email sequence that will follow the lead magnet delivery).
  • Develop your feel-good content strategy and map out your posts for the next month.
  • Uncover and hone your brand voice & story so you can start writing copy that POPS with powerful personality.

Perfect for you if...

  • You’re wasting an obnoxious amount of time staring at a blank screen, wondering what the f*ck to say and how the f*ck to say it. 

  • Basically, you’re struggling to turn your brain dump/words into the copy that speaks straight to the hearts of your dream clients and SELLS.

  • You’re getting a few leads and you’re seeing some sales but you feel like you’ve been stuck in this same spot, not making any noticeable progress, for far too long.

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Lock in your 50-min strategy sesh

Im ready for clairity




1-2 business days after your session wraps up, you’ll be getting a custom Confident Copy Action Plan delivered straight to your inbox along with the call recording.

(Your Confident Copy Action Plan will break down everything we covered during your intensive!)

Lock in your 90-min strategy sesh

Im ready for clairity

Kierstin Cifelli
Petite Health & Fitness Coach

“Mackenzie is above and beyond amazing at putting my ideas into words that ATTRACT and SELL.

She over-delivers EVERY. Damn. Time. 
Seriously, her services/offers are THE best business investments I’ve ever made, hands f*cking down.”

If you’re more of a numbers b*tch…


Years of profesh copywriting experience


High-converting web pages written


Client emails crafted to connect & sell


Brand stories shared & clients served

How it works

The HOT Copy Approach

While our solutions always start first & foremost with extensive research, here’s a glimpse into what our actual writing methodology & strategy look like:


First, we capture the attention of your perfect people and reel them in by boldly embracing your signature brand voice and personality.

(NOTE: This does *not* mean YOU have to be “bold” or loud. Instead, this means that whatever your brand voice + personality may be, your messaging is embracing and embodying it to the fullest.

STEP 01: Hook the *right* readers

Hook the *right* readers with love-me-or-leave-me personality.


Now that we have the attention of the *right* reader, we empower them to take action and inspire them to go for their wildest dreams to become the greatest versions of themselves. 

We do this by opening their eyes to what life looks like on the other side of success with your offer (rather than focusing solely on pain points or resorting to any sleazy sh*t).

Basically, we don’t make false promises or write just to secure a conversion so we can look good. We care about your people as much as you do.

STEP 02: Open the reader’s eyes to their potential

Open the reader’s eyes to the possibilities & the potential of what life can look like with your offer.


Finally, we make taking action easy for the reader by keeping the copy tight. 

This step is focused on optimizing readability while cutting fluff to minimize distractions and maximize conversions.

STEP 03: Take them through the conversion

Take them through the conversion to the promised land.


See our signature approach in action

Check out the PORTFOLIO

Custom Brand Messaging Bible

  • 3-5 client interviews
  • Survey copy and support
  • Content audit
  • Content pillars + topics
  • Value props for each offer
  • Key messages

Your Brand Messaging Bible is how you’ll standardize your messaging, scale your content strategy, and ensure all points of contact remain targeted to your specific dream clients regardless of who on your team may be writing it.

  • Brand story, promise, mission
  • Tagline options
  • Positioning 
  • Buyer personas
  • Core personality, voice, tone, and how to use each
  • Writing principles and practices

How to use this guide

Igniting genuine as f*ck connections via conversion-optimized copy & research-backed brand messaging since 2015.

“Mackenzie Fleming is literally one of the most genius copy/messaging magicians of anybody that I’ve worked with in the online space.”

“Mackenzie was able to articulate it in a way that still sounded like me but also have my clients running, saying, ‘Yes, you are definitely the coach that I need, and how can I pay you!?’”

Cait scudder
Business Coach for Women

“In a 90-minute call, Mack was able to encapsulate my personality and really get who I am and what I wanted to transmit to my people. 

She’s a genius at working her magic with words.”



“It takes me way less time to write everything for my business.

I love, love, love, my website, my personality shows way more now, and I’ve launched 3 new offers that have been making it f*cking rain.”

Kierstin Cifelli
Petite Nutrition & Fitness Coach