sales page headlines

How to Craft Sales Page Headlines: 3 Essential Elements to Hook and Convert

Copywriting Tips, Sales Copy

September 28, 2024


Ok, cutie—picture this: You see someone promoting an offer that piques your interest. You click the link to learn more and the sales page headline immediately smacks you right in the feels. You’re hooked.

You keep reading. The copy fills you with excitement, motivation, and that undeniable ‘this sh*t was MADE for me’ energy. You buy the thing. 

*That* is the magic of a great sales page headline!

sales page headline

Now on the flipside…imagine if you open up the link for that same offer but, instead, you’re greeted by a big, bold sales page headline simply stating: “Hi there, let me tell you all about this product! 😃”

Oh, henny, nooooooo. Big yikes. 

Not quite as enticing, right?

Sales page headlines are more than just the first line of text your reader sees—they’re your first impression, your hook, and your biggest opportunity to grab attention. Think of your headline as the front door to your sales page → It’s either inviting your reader to step inside and explore…it’s or slamming the door shut and sending your back where they came from. 

And in today’s fast-scrolling, click-away-in-an-instant (and forget-even-quicker) world, your headline must do some serious heavy lifting.

Why? Because studies show that while 80% of people will read your headline, only 20% will stick around to read the rest of your page. So, your headline isn’t just another line of copy—it’s your golden ticket to keeping your audience engaged.

The #1 Mistake Coaches & Service Pros Make with Their Sales Page Headlines 

Your sales page headline is the very first thing your reader sees when they hit your page. And, arguably, it’s *the* most critical piece of your entire sales copy puzzle. This bad boy is your BEST chance to get your reader interested enough to keep scrolling—alllllllllll the way to that juicy CTA.

*This* is where we need to hook your reader, hard. (Basically, this is a make-or-break moment! 👏)

But the problem I see ALL the time is that most coaches, course creators, and service providers are missing the mark entirely with the ultimate rookie mistake → Simply using the name of your offer as the sales page headline.


If you’re a big name in the industry or have a well-known program that’s universally recognized and sells itself…sure, you can absolutely get away with this! But nobody does—so what does that tell you?

Even the best sales page headlines out there don’t just rely on a name to do the heavy lifting. Instead, they use this space strategically and typically all boil down to three key ingredients. Let’s break them down and get your sales page headlines converting like crazy. 

3 Essential Ingredients for the Best Sales Page Headlines

1. Keep it Focused (The Rule of One)

When it comes to writing a headline that sticks, the Rule of One is your new BFF. This principle is all about laser focus—zeroing in on one big idea, highlighting one transformation, or showcasing one main benefit that will grab your reader’s attention and keep them glued to your sales page.

Why it works → The power of the Rule of One lies in its simplicity. Your headline isn’t the place to cram in every amazing thing about your offer. Instead, it’s about distilling your message down to the most compelling point—the one thing that’s going to make your reader think, “Yes, I need this.” 

When your headline tries to do too much, it ends up doing nothing at all. A cluttered, multi-idea headline is the easiest way to lose your reader’s attention. We want punchy—not confusing.

This Tip in Action: 

Now, let’s go one by one and use the key ingredients in this blog post to write (or rewrite) the sales page headline for one of YOUR own offers. 

For the rest of this blog, we’ll be running with this example scenario → Let’s pretend I’m a social media manager writing a sales page headline for an Instagram reels course…

Step #1: Keep it Focused
There are a million and a half benefits to using Reels—boosting engagement, expanding reach, selling your offers, and so on. But since this first tip is to keep your headline focused by using the Rule of One, let’s choose just ONE of these benefits to highlight. 

We’ll go with the most appealing. The ONE benefit we’ll focus on will be → Using Reels to sell.

Headline Draft—Take 1:

“Use Reels to Sell Your Offer”

Simple, clear, and totally focused. That’s the power of sticking to one big idea. Now, let’s see how we can build on this with tip/ingredient #2…

2. Evoke Emotion

People buy with their emotions first and their logic second—every time. Think about it: when was the last time you made a purchase purely because it made sense on paper? Chances are, there was an emotional pull that nudged you to click “buy now.” 

That’s why the best sales page headlines don’t just inform—they move people. They tap into the reader’s feelings, desires, and motivations, creating an emotional connection that keeps them engaged.

Why it works → Bringing emotion into the mix is how you get your reader committed to the conversation in front of them (i.e. the sales page as a whole) and invested in seeing it through till the end—when they’ll learn how to actualize the goals they had when they started reading!

When your headline stirs up emotions like excitement, relief, confidence, or even a touch of FOMO (fear of missing out), it compels the person on the other side of the screen to not only keep reading but, ultimately, to take action.

This Tip in Action: 

Since we’re focusing on using IG reels to sell, let’s think about the emotion we want to evoke. Maybe it’s security—never having to worry about where the next sale is coming from.

Headline Draft—Take 2:

Never Question Cashflow Again—Use Reels to Consistently Sell Your Offer”

Now we’re talking. We’ve gone from a basic promise to an emotionally charged statement that hooks the reader in and makes them want to learn more.

3. Get Specific

Vague headlines are a snooze fest. They’re forgettable, unconvincing, and they don’t inspire action. If your reader has to guess what you’re offering or how it benefits them, they’re going to

lose interest fast.

Specifics are what make the difference between copy that falls flat and copy that sells. You need to bring your headline into your reader’s world—addressing exactly who they are, what they want, why they want it, and how you’re going to help them get there.

Places to get specific:

  • Who you’re talking to: (e.g., Life coaches)
  • What exactly they want: (e.g., To sell out their group program)
  • Why exactly they want it: (e.g., To spend more time with family)
  • How you help them get it: (e.g., By using AI to create their Reels)

Why it works → Specific headlines speak directly to your reader’s needs, desires, and pain points. When your headline clearly addresses who you’re talking to, what they want, why they want it, and how you’ll help them get it, you instantly create a connection. It’s like holding up a mirror to your audience, showing them exactly what they’ve been searching for and confirming that you have the answer.

This Tip in Action: 

Below are examples for each of the ways you can get specific in your headline mentioned above. BUT, please note: You do not have to include ALL of the specifics below in the headline itself—this is just for example’s sake!

Headline Drafts—Take 3:

Who:Hey, Life Coaches—Never Question Cashflow Again! Use Reels to Consistently Sell Your Offer

What: “Hey, Life Coaches—Never Question Cashflow Again! Use Reels to Consistently Sell Out Your Group Program

Why: “Hey, Life Coaches—Never Question Cashflow Again! Use Reels to Consistently Sell Out Your Group Program So You Can Spend More Time with Your Family

How: “Hey, Life Coaches—Never Question Cashflow Again! Start Using AI to Create Your Reels & Consistently Sell Out Your Group Program”

This headline paints a crystal-clear picture, targeting a specific audience and speaking directly to their desires and pain points. Specifics = Sales.

Final Thoughts: Crafting the Best Sales Page Headlines

While you can add flair with pre-headlines, sub-headers, and all the headline enhancements in the world, the core of your sales page depends on these three ingredients. The best sales page headlines are focused, emotionally charged, and packed with specifics. They don’t just inform—they captivate.

But let’s be so for real…writing a high-converting sales page that gets your audience hooked and sells your sh*t isn’t just about the headline—it’s about crafting an entire narrative that flows seamlessly, builds desire, and inspires aligned action. 

Feeling overwhelmed at the thought of pulling it all together? I gotchu 😉 

Introducing VIP Copywriting Weeks—your fast track to copy that sells your sh*t and sounds like you (but better). 

From attention-grabbing sales page headlines to every strategic, research-driven word that follows, this done-for-you conversion copywriting offer gives you launch-ready copy, whipped up in just a week. 

Take the time, stress, and second-guessing out of selling by handing your copy off to a profesh copywriter with 8+ years of experience and a proven track record creating launch copy that converts → Book a call to get started!

(Note: Spots are limited, and these weeks fill up fast. So if you’re at all curious, let’s chat asap!)

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Love Notes

"Wowza! I knew from previously working with Mackenzie, that she’s a true expert at her craft, but she continues to blow me away.

We’ve trusted Mack for every phase of a launch, and let me tell you—the natural humor & wit Mack is able to seamlessly weave into our copy in a way that instantly lets the reader know we *get* them WHILE remaining clear and strategic, is unlike anything I’ve seen before. 

Plus, not only is what Mack delivers packed with the perfect punch of personality (gifs and all), but it usually requires no edits.
She nails it with the first draft, saving us tons of time.

shannon matson
 founder of the social bungalow

Basically, working with Mack is a total game-changer.

If you’re looking for that upper echelon sales copy that positions your offer as *the* one, you need to work with the Hot Copy Haus."

“After I met Mackenzie, I realized that writing and copywriting is not the same thing.
One will make you bank money and the other won’t. 

After only a 90-minute breakdown call, Mack was able to write copy that encapsulates my personality and who I am and transmitted that to my people. I just can't recommend her enough. 

Don't think about it. I thought about it for too long and I honestly regret not having invested in her a year ago.

Anna-Christina Gustafson | Business coach

It’s such a sound investment and you're going to get back every penny that you invest.”

“If you’ve been sitting in the copywriting spiral wishing that someone could jump into your brain and just get it, Mackenzie is your answer—trust me, she fucking gets it! Wow did she deliver and then some!  

I had worked with previous copywriters and was worried she wouldn’t be able to nail my voice—that my authenticity wouldn’t show through. But Mack absolutely smashed it.

Nicole Cienne | Bliss Coach

My copy sounded exactly like me but soooo much better.
 Mack brought life to my true voice AND the voice I’d been afraid to use!”

I couldn’t be more grateful for her expertise and inspiration to show up as my baddie-boss-betch self. Also, she makes me literally LOL which makes the entire writing process fun and enjoyable (instead of painful and overwhelming). 

Seriously, her services/offers are THE best business investments I’ve ever made, hands fucking down."

kierstin cifelli | fitness & nutrition coach

"Mackenzie is above and beyond amazing at putting my ideas into words that ATTRACT and SELL.
She over-delivers EVERY. Damn. Time. 

“This was the first time that I had outsourced copywriting, so I was very nervous to make this investment but it was 100% worth it. Every single penny.

Lauren Taylar | Website Designer

I was just blown away. Mackenzie really knows how to capture your brand voice, really make it sound like you, and pack it with personality. 

So if you're thinking of working with Mackenzie, you should totally do it. She's amazing. She's super talented, and it's going to be a really great investment.”

“When it comes to copywriting, Mackenzie knows exactly how to get clarity on your brand voice and how to convey that in your messaging. 

Megumi fujita | embodiment coach

Mack’s able to meet and bridge that gap of where my audiences are and what I want to convey. 

And there's nothing more exciting than to know that someone cares SO much about what you're producing that they make it their own job—they make it a priority to show up and to make it pizzazz and succeed

So what else could I say about Mackenzie except that she is phenomenal and you would be a sucker to not hire her.”

She’s such a genius with all things messaging, positioning, the nitty gritty of specific types of sales copy that you need in your business. 

And honestly, there’s just nobody who sums up better and more succinctly and actionably exactly how to formulate words that sell and copy that converts.


“Mackenzie is literally one of the most genius copy/messaging magicians of anybody that I’ve worked with in the online space. 

This woman, everything that she touches turns to gold.
I highly recommend!”

"Investing in 1:1 coaching with Mack has been the best thing I’ve done for my business. After silently stalking her for a while, I reached out and immediately knew my business would never be the same again.

kait cozzens | copywriter

As a copywriter myself, I was looking to learn from THE best.
And Mack’s it.

Her wit, passion, and knowledge are unmatched. Also, she’s just so much fucking fun!

I have so much more confidence in my abilities and she has been a huge part of that. I can’t think of a reason you wouldn’t invest in her coaching."